Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The most important tourist areas

Cultural tourism areas: the old city of Sanaa, which still retains the authentic architectural character, Ghamdan Palace, unit, village-makers,
Boss house, the house of Hanbes.
Tourism therapeutic areas: Old Sanaa neighborhood pools, pools neighborhood of Bir al-Azab, bathroom floor fodder neighborhood.
Eco-tourism areas: the city of kindergarten, the city of seventy (seventy garden) and the city of Revolution (Revolution Park) and we do not park in Berlin region, village, district of Bir al-Azab
Cultural tourism areas: climate, erectile, Haraz.
Eco-tourism areas: Mount almonds, and the area is peaceful as well as a range of the most important Bottoms bottom Sanaa and valleys and Alehimtin Haraz Srdod and Wadi Bani Matar and valleys and valleys of the south and south-Foreign Alehimp Haraz. And there are many types of wild animals in many of the directorates of the province and most of them are concentrated in the mountainous and free portions of the population.
Areas of tourism mountaineering: months mountains Mount Prophet Shuaib, which is located in Bani Matar District, which has a height of (3666 m) above sea level, Mount Beni Ahmed in the internal Alehimp (2400 m) above sea level, Mount Ay (2400) above sea level, Mt. presentation (2240) from the surface of the sea, in foreign Alehimp, Mount Budge (2080 m), climate Mountains.
Tourism therapeutic areas: bathroom Russians country.
Cultural tourism areas: tanks Aden - Aidaroos Lighthouse - Sira Fortress - Ghadeer Castle.
Areas of marine tourism (diving - Water Sports - Recreation): Coast region of Abyan: The beach stretches from the beginning until the end.
Cornish Sirah and starts from the front of the station until sapiens Sira Fortress.
Hakat Beach and starts from the opposite mountain to the castle until Almashiq Sirah.
Gold Moore starts from behind until Almashiq Youth Union building.
Workers island.
Caltex Brega and start from Caltex round until Brega round.
Alkhamish, Berber.
Aaas head.
Beaches surrounding area do, Ras Omran.
Socotra Island, Azazi Island.
Eco-tourism areas: wetlands - citizen seabirds.
Areas of cultural tourism: is the cultural capital of the province of Taiz, Yemen are cultural and scientific movement seen throughout the year and there are many of the most important cultural institutions Saeed Cultural Foundation.
Marine tourism areas: This area includes the southern part of the Red Sea coast, starting from the beaches of the coast of the endosperm (Bab el Mandeb) to the shores of the village of Taif Coast (Aldirihmi) south of the city of Hodeidah Directorate length of about 270 km (air distance).
Eco-tourism areas: The most important regions in the agricultural valleys and the most famous Valley Palm in Sharhab Directorate of Peace and Wadi Alzaraei and Wadi Rcan and Wadi Alberh and Wadi distributor and the Valley and Razan and valley fog between Jabal Habashi and Mount patience and the Valley of the volcanic net and Wadi Wadi Al Ghail, Mount Wharf area and the children age.
Mountaineering tourism areas: Mount patience the second highest peak in Yemen after Mount Prophet Shuaib in Sanaa, with an elevation (3200 Mtervoq sea level), Jabal Habashi, Mount listener, a series of mountains, which are located in the southern part of the province of Taiz, Mount Asalo, mountains Allowazeip, Sharhab mountains and mountains Mqubnp.
Tourism therapeutic areas: bathroom on Shuba, Rcan bath, bath Mount patience.
Cultural tourism areas: Wadi Hadhramaut (Al-Hajarayn - scene - Shibam - Harika - Trim)
Areas of marine tourism (diving - Water Sports - Recreation):
The first zone: extends from site terrier even Brom.
Zone II: stretching from Broome even behind.
Region III: from behind until Shahr then honor.
Region IV: of honor even Sayhut.
Tourism therapeutic areas: bathroom Tbalh (Hadramaut), Eastern Dees (Hadramaut), protector of the area, Sawyer, Garchiat.
Eco-tourism areas: Balhaf - Brom.
Desert tourism areas: the most important areas that satisfy the motives of this kind of tourism the following areas:
Marib, Ramlah Sbotain, Old Shabwa.
Marib, Shabwa old, bad.
Marib, bad.
Cultural tourism areas: These areas (Zabid - Has- house Faqih - Beard - Alsideh- Alemrauap) - Mount Mukhtar (Valley diuretic) - Mount Alammeruch (Khamis Bani Alheij) market - Venus Castle - Mahalb - Mount salt Castle - Castle House Faqih - Zabid Castle.
  Furthermore archaeological cities defunct Kalmahjm - Alkdrae - Fshal - Dugan - Kzabh.
Areas of marine tourism (diving - Water Sports - Recreation): regions of the exercise of this type of tourism product available along the more than 400 km is a conservative extension of the beard Beach in the north to the south Nectarine.
The first zone: stretching from Midi even Salif.
Zone II: stretching from Salif even lameness.
Region III: stretching from the military point of the port until the dune campus.
Region IV: starting from the points and pass the time zones - Nekheila - Taif - Alaoise - Glevqh - Almjhli - vase - Alfoerg - Alehish - Alqtaya - dice - Alehihh - Nectarine - rugged - King - Mocha.
Region V: include Tfaqah Island (Antovc), Mount Zagr Island, the islands of Hanish small and large, thongs Hanish Island, Zubair Island, Abu Island, Bird Island and other tourist islands.
Eco-tourism areas: The most important protected areas in the forest and excelled beard and Kamran, and settlements in the breeding turtles and other vultures.
Tourism therapeutic areas: bathrooms Sokhna / Venus Alcaveh eye / eye Hoaa Bahadjilh.
Desert tourism areas: For this kind of tourism in the province extended regions, the most important area (Zabid - vase).
Tourism zones climbing: Mount excelled 2400 meters above sea level - the top of a mountain 2000 meters - Dabas Mountains and the head of the Directorate of Mount behind Paljrahi / Zabid - atrophic / Bajil.
Areas of cultural tourism: The city itself (Marib) famous cities and the capital of Yemen, the kings of Sheba, and the months in which: the famous Marib Dam, the throne of Bilquis, Awam Temple, the Temple of the Sun, and the ancient city of Sarwah Baraqish, Algeoffinat dam.
Desert tourism areas: the most important areas that satisfy the motives of this kind of tourism the following areas:
Marib, Ramlah Sbotain, Old Shabwa.
Marib, Shabwa old, bad.
Marib, bad.
Areas of cultural tourism: Jaar - Mukeiras - Sid.
Areas of marine tourism (diving - Water Sports - Recreation): includes the coastline of the Arabian Sea, extending from the head to the shores of the beaches Alnhimh point of science, and the estimated length of the coast about 400 km (science even Shakra even news, news until browned).
Tourism therapeutic areas: protector 178 km from Zanzibar region has visited the fountain of sulfur per day of hospitalization, Haj Abdullah bath, bath accelerated (1), Bath Advance (2) in claiming.
Eco-tourism areas: CODE Mountains series.

Areas of cultural tourism: protoplasm - two dimensions.
Tourism therapeutic areas: long as bathrooms.
Mountaineering tourism areas: Heights Green Brigade turbidity and most famous mountain, Mount Samara, mountains dimensions, Udayn Mountains.
Tourism therapeutic areas: bathroom throne of Bilquis and net bath Chapel in Rada 'District, bath Ali in tuff Directorate.
Areas of cultural tourism: Shaharah - Ekhalan - shown - phase - Mahabashh.
Tourism therapeutic areas: there are the eyes of a hot, some of the newly discovered on the roads leading to Althammeh areas such as: swimming phase of 35 km from the city of argument, and in the city delivers hot spring constant flux, bath Khamis Alheij.
Mountaineering tourism areas: mountains of Saada.
Medical tourism regions: Ali Anse bath: bath-month healing at 35 km from the city of Dhamar, bath Allsa (Ans).
Eco-tourism areas: the darkness of the area.
Mountaineering tourism areas: living with and mountains.
Areas of cultural tourism: Alillbat - Brides House - Dar al-Qadimi - Aloht.
Tourism therapeutic areas: (hospitalization and recuperation) and are available in the mineral baths and areas frequented by many people for many decades, especially bath Alhuyemi (Kersh) area, bath Bill (buttocks).
  Mountaineering tourism areas: Radfan Mountains.
Areas of cultural tourism: Thela - Shibam - planets - Hbabp - long.
Mountaineering tourism areas: Mahaweet Mountains, long Mountains.
Areas of marine tourism (diving - Water Sports - Recreation): includes the coastal strip Arabian Sea stretches from the shores of the limbus at the Yemeni Omani border point east to the shores of the village Hsaa west (last in the province of skilled villages) are estimated along the beaches of the coast of this region is about 400 km (the importance of beaches being closer Yemeni beaches to the Sultanate of Oman), active, Balhaf Beach, Beach lethality, turtle Beach (Rdegal- Hisour), the coast of the departments of the limbus and Hsoan and most of the coast of the province, the port of Khor Alaozn, the ancient city of Ghaida, settlement Dmqot in Directorate limbus, Mahaviv village, Kashan.
And marine tourism can be divided into areas as follows:
The first region: from Sayhut even Kashan.
Zone II: Port of Kashan even active.
Region III: from active until Ghaydah.
Region IV: Ghaydah even from the limbus.
Tourism therapeutic areas: Village Illot Ghaida Directorate
Desert tourism regions: the departments of panels and charging the southern parts of them, Man'ar District, Ghaydah Directorate, Directorate of gas.
Eco-tourism areas: the limbus area, Kashan Beach.
Mountaineering tourism areas: Mount bitterness, Macairm Mountain and Mount Ream and Mount servitude, Htob Mountains, Mount Thor, Hathom Mount, Mount Ahrot in the limbus) and Mount Dabashich Directorate, Bsiot Mount, Mount Saone in panels Directorate.
Cultural tourism areas: ancient Shabwa - Azzan - Hibbaan - Maf - Bihan - Fort crow.
Areas of marine tourism (diving - Water Sports - Recreation):
The first region: Fort Belaid, Omair, Alhabaylh, Alnhimh.
Zone II: Eye Bamabd, make it, Balhaf, Mahzv.
The third area: Fort Raven, Bear, Lake Chouran, Mejrhh, Coast beads.
Region IV: carrots include Sikhh Island, Buraq Island, Island Alhalaúah, Bojan Island.
Tourism therapeutic areas: bathroom vultures - Ruddum bath.
Tourism regions of the desert: Shabwa old (aged) of the most important areas that satisfy the motives of this kind of tourism the following areas:
Marib, Ramlah Sbotain, Old Shabwa.
Marib, Shabwa old, bad.
Marib, bad.
Eco-tourism areas: the well.
Mountaineering tourism areas: the mountains of his mind.
Tourism therapeutic areas: Convicted
Eco-tourism areas: the Valley of the people of Al Ghail
Tourism therapeutic areas: as long as you shower and bath Darduc in Damt District, bath Aarhad in isolation childish bathroom rudiment in isolation built success in the cheese department.
Areas of tourism mountain climbing: Mount Juhav (with a height of 7840 feet) above sea level, Mount Almafara rises about 6000 feet above sea level, Mount Silk highest peak of the (7800) feet from the appropriated sea level, Mount Alillaat, Mount Peer, Mt. poetic, crammer Mountains
Mountaineering tourism areas: crime Mountains.


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